Common Name
Sticky Boobialla
Shrub to 2m tall. Leaves alternating up the stems, scattered or clustered, 2-11cm long, 5-40mm wide, flat, hairless, sticky, margins finely toothed, tips pointed.. Flowers white, often tinged pinkish purple, with purple spots inside, tubular, with 5 lobes, in groups of 3-7 on short stalks arising from the bases of the leaves. Fruit purple, drying brown to blackish brown. Family Myoporaceae in SA.
eFloraSA fact sheet: http://www.flora.sa.gov.au/cgi-bin/speciesfacts_display.cgi?form=speciesfacts&name=Myoporum_viscosum
Photo of flowers and leaves. Australian Plant Image Index, photographer Murray Fagg, Australian National Botanic Gardens, ACT